
Wrongful Death Lawsuit Settled for $3M

The family of Heather Sloan, a 29 year old woman who died after doctors failed to diagnose a twist in her intestines, has agreed to settle their wrongful death lawsuit in the amount of $3 million.
In March 2007, the young mother of three went to the Chester Hospital in South Carolina complaining of severe abdominal pain.  The medical staff, informed of the fact that Ms. Sloan had previously undergone gastric bypass surgery, ordered a CT scan of her abdomin and pelvis.  Unfortunately, the results of that test were misread and the problem was subsequently misdiagnosed as constipation.
Sloan was sent home, but the pain continued forcing her to return to the ER two more times.  Doctors finally chose to operate on her, and it was only then that they discovered that Sloan’s intestines were twisted and had cut off the blood supply to her bowels.  By the time the true diagnosis was discovered, it was too late.  Heather died just hours after surgery.
Her family claim that the misread CT scan coupled with a lack of communication among the doctors resulted in wrongful death that could have been prevented had the medical malpractice not occurred.
The doctors decided to settle in the amount of $3 million just days before the trial was set to begin.

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