
Couple Accepts $2.5 Million Medical Malpractice Settlement

Susan Martin, of Columbia MO, and her husband, have successfully reached a settlement with two doctors from the University of Missouri Hospital whose seemingly simple medical error resulted in a full blown case of medical malpractice.  The doctors agreed to pay the Martins $2.5 million for the injuries and damages suffered by Susan.

The case began when Susan was hospitalized for treatment of dehydration relating to a gastrointestinal condition she suffered from.  The medical malpractice lawsuit claims that while giving her a nutritional supplement via IV, the doctors erroneously placed the IV line in the wrong vein.

These types of IV treatments are supposed to be done through the subclavian vein, which is located near the patient’s collar bone.  Instead of this, however, the doctors in question, Dr. J. Stephen Scott and first-year resident Timothy Geiger accidentally placed the IV line in Susan’s subclavian artery.

This seemingly simple medical error resulted in fatty acids traveling to Susan’s brain over a period of five straight days, which led to her suffering numerous strokes, severe neurological and cognitive damage and has left her physically and mentally disabled.

The doctors agreed to the settlement, although they both still adamantly deny being at fault and claim that Mrs. Martin’s strokes could have been caused by a pre-existing condition.

Sometimes what seems like the smallest of mistakes can lead to catastrophe, as in this case.  A misplaced IV needle, the slip of a scalpel, or the wrong drug being prescribed can all mean permanent disability or even death to the unsuspecting patient.  If you feel that you have suffered harm as a result of a simple medical error, you may have the right to be compensated for your injuries.  Contact a medical attorney today to discuss your case.

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