
Controversial Botox Treatments Result in Medical Malpractice Suit

We frequently hear of celebrities and even every day people receiving botox treatments in hopes of turning back the clock and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.  But there are other, lesser known reasons that botox may be administered, as in the case of Missouri man Richard Hart who was prescribed the highly toxic drug as a treatment for another condition and is now suing for medical malpractice.

The plaintiff suffers from a condition called torticollis, which causes the chin to rise and the head to tilt to one side.  He sought treatment with a physician who prescribed and administered injections of botox, a drug which is controversial and highly toxic, to combat his condition.

Hart’s medical malpractice lawsuit alleges that the doctor gave him excessive doses which caused him to suffer side effects, including difficulty swallowing, loss of a gag reflex and blurred vision.  He claims his symptoms will require ongoing medical treatments and monitoring as a result.

The FDA now requires that all botox treatments contain a warning to consumers about the possible severe side effects and has completely disapproved of the use of such drugs for the treatment of muscle spasticity.  These warnings were not, however, in place at the time of Hart’s treatments.

Hart is suing the maker of Botox, Allergan USA Inc., Tenet Health Systems SL Inc., and the doctor who gave him the injections.  It is not clear how much he is seeking for damages.

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