
Posts Tagged ‘cancer’

The Impact of Cancer Misdiagnosis

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be frightening and life-changing.  But what happens when the correct diagnosis is missed or delayed?  As many as 12% of the nearly 1.5 million cancer cases each year are missed by doctors.  That’s an estimated 180,000 people annually.  It’s no wonder there are a steady number of cancer misdiagnosis…

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Vinyl Chloride Contamination Issue Settled

A federal judge has signed a decree settling the civil case against more than a dozen companies over vinyl chloride contamination at the Wauconda Sand and Gravel landfill site outside of Chicago. The judgment requires the site to be monitored for the next 15 years, but not everyone is satisfied with this outcome. The landfill…

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Diesel Truckers at Risk of Benzene Exposure

Recent reports have revealed that trucking company workers who are being continuously exposed to diesel exhaust are at high risk of developing various forms of cancer. Benzene, a toxic chemical and known carcinogen, is a commonly used additive in gasoline and for those who spend their day to day lives being exposed to these fumes;…

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